What Makes Amethyst Unique
Services are tailored to each customer’s unique risk financing profile. We provide business analytics that are specifically relevant to each risk managers financial, underwriting, and compliance operating environment.
Our expert qualified personnel are trained to provide clear information on which decisions can be made by the captive officers and board of directors.
We maintain efficient and effective internal quality control procedures and systems to deliver accurate financial reporting, underwriting reports, regulatory filings and board reporting.
As a third party independent captive manager we coordinate the activity of external risk management/brokers, financial advisers and regulators. We also function as an integral part of the clients risk management and captive board of director activities.
Amethyst professionals are not insurance brokers. For risks that are directly written or assumed from the traditional markets and /or reinsured to outside markets we work closely with client placement agents and brokers.
We promote decisions solely in the best interest of the client. Maintaining independence, (real and perceived) is a foundational element of our company vision and mission.